The Rotary Club of The Villages NOON hosts a number of community-wide fundraisers each year that help support our mission. We are always looking for ways to engage the community with the work we are doing. Learn more in the following pages about the events and fundraisers that The Rotary Club of The Villages NOON hosts – including sponsorship opportunities and links to purchases.

Charity Golf Tournament
Get ready for the 3rd Annual Charity Golf Scramble at the Stonecrest Golf Club Saturday Spetember 16th, 2023. Registration starts at 7:30AM. Shotgun start at 8:30am

Contractor Showcase
Since its inception, our Contractor & Crafts Showcase has raised over $75,000 to support our community.

Carols by Candlelight
Alex Santoriello stars in CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT, with special guests Mary Jo Vitale & Dawn DiNome at different performances. GUARANTEED to put you in the holiday spirit w/ more music from Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Features Vince Morris, Teresha Lee, Linda Payne, Mark Kirschenbaum, Lon Abrams, Paul Carmignani, the elves & a great band w/Bob Wilson, Bill Neale, Michael Abbott, John Gaffney, Mack Sanders & Justin Steger. “Carols” has raised over $100K for the Noon Rotary Club of The Villages. November 30th – December 3rd.